YV Mark 3:13-15

What Is The Most Important Part of a Servant-Leader’s PREPARATION for Serving Others Well?

It could very well be the most important, high priority, HIGH PAY-OFF meeting of your day.

It may cost you some precious time, energy and planning, but learning to be with Jesus is one of, if not, the first and foremost priority of a servant-leader’s preparation for a successful day of serving others well.  

Jesus hasn’t stopped calling ordinary people

Jesus hasn’t stopped calling ordinary people, like you and me, to Himself. And at times, it may not be for any other reason than to just be with Him.

On one day, it may be just to sit quietly in His presence. On another day, it may be to dive deeply into His Word. And yet on another day, it may be to learn how to be a better person and servant-leader to those He has called you to live, serve and work with.

Each day may be different, but one thing remains the same: 

When you answer the call to be with Jesus, you won’t leave the same way you came! 

Something in you will have changed. You’ll be different. Even if it’s in the most incremental way, you’ll be in a better place and better prepared to face your day—mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially. 

You’ll leave differently

You’ll leave differently because you will have given Jesus the opportunity to deposit something of great value and significance within you. A seed will have been sown with the potential to add even more value to your life. You’ll feel blessed because you will have been blessed. He’s faithful to do that. 

Furthermore, the blessing you’ll receive from Him during your time with the Lord, will generally be more than just for you. For those who dare to believe, the Lord will often bless you with more than you need. WHY? So that you can be even better prepared to be that servant-leader you know He has called you to be—empowered to serve others and overflowing to be a vessel of His grace and blessing in their lives!

Learning to say, “Yes” to God”

Don’t ever think Jesus has stopped calling you to spend time with Him. For those who have put their faith and trust in Him, we need to remember that we come from a long line of ordinary people who simply said, “Yes” to God, when they heard Him call.

It’s no different for us today. He’s still calling ordinary people, like you and me, to draw near and simply be with Him on a daily basis. What we need to learn to do better is to say, “Yes” to God. 

When we can learn to do this well, and let it become the most important part of our preparation for the day, we can expect God to show up and lift our service to heights we never would have thought or imagined!

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‭‬‬† Then Jesus went up the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him.

Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons.

Mark‬ ‭3‬:‭13‬-‭15‬

Let’s Pray:

Lord Jesus, let Your presence be felt today in the lives of our family, friends and connections, colleagues, co-workers, and those divine appointments You have already ordained for our lives. Grant unto us the grace to discern Your voice and follow Your leading. As we learn to say, “Yes” to You, cause Your good gifts to flow in and through our lives and into the lives of others. And lastly, help us to be the kind of people You can use for You glory! In Your name, we pray. Amen!