Category: Love
How Do You Know Your Faith Is GROWING in the Right Direction?
What kind of person is your faith LEADING you to become? In his second letter to the Christ-followers who were suffering from persecution on the outside and false teaching on the inside, Peter encourages them by saying, . . . † For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith, virtue. 2…
What Could This Day Look Like with GOD’S HELP?
What could this day, or this week, look like with the HELP of the Holy Spirit? Do you have a God-size problem that could use a God-sized solution? Do you have a God-size dream that could use God-sized empowerment? Some battles are too BIG to win in our own strength and power. But with God,…
How Does Knowing WHO You Work for Impact the QUALITY of One’s Work?
The “BEST BOSS in the World” doesn’t really describe WHO the Lord really is, or what He really means to those who follow Him. He is so much more than what the world might term as a “boss.” WHO is He? The Lord Jesus Christ is our Rescuer, our Savior, and our Redeemer. He’s our…
It Was Like Heaven Was Getting Ready to Take a DIVINE BREATH!
It was the Day of Pentecost… Fifty days earlier, God raised Jesus from the dead. But on the Day of Pentecost, it was announced that Jesus had now been exalted to the place of highest honor in heaven, at God’s right hand. And God the Father, just as He promised, gave Jesus the Son, the…
Why Was Jesus’ ASCENSION into Heaven, Something His Disciples Couldn’t Take Their Eyes Off Of?
It was immediately after Jesus’ LAST WORDS to His disciples. After saying to His disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them, and that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8), Jesus was taken up in a cloud. They…
What’s So Significant about Jesus’ LAST WORDS to His Disciples Before Ascending into Heaven?
It had been some 40 days since Jesus rose from the dead. Over those 40 days Jesus had been presenting Himself to His followers with many convincing proofs that He was alive! He was also speaking about the Kingdom. He told them not to depart from Jerusalem because something would be coming. In fact, He…
What’s The GOAL You Really Want to Accomplish in the NEXT 100 Days?
Every day is a gift. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. How can we make the most out of the precious days we are given to live here on earth? We will be heading into the summer months relatively soon. Life and work rhythms will be different for you, your family, friends, co-workers and clients. What…
God Doesn’t Need PERFECT CONDITIONS To Show Up!
At times, a storm could be raging all around you and it can feel like Jesus is asleep in the back of the boat. However, it doesn’t change the truth that Jesus Christ is still Lord of all! And for those who have put their faith and trust in Him, that He is still in…
What Makes Your SERVICE to Others Matter?
Attending to the needs of the Lord, what He deems important for our lives, and what He wants to accomplish through our service to others, still matters in the world we live in. There was so much I wanted to do and get done, but learning to live life with only one kidney was going…
What Is The Most Important Part of a Servant-Leader’s PREPARATION for Serving Others Well?
It could very well be the most important, high priority, HIGH PAY-OFF meeting of your day. It may cost you some precious time, energy and planning, but learning to be with Jesus is one of, if not, the first and foremost priority of a servant-leader’s preparation for a successful day of serving others well. Jesus…