Photo taken by YV at Estacada Lake, OR.

Your Breakthrough Is Coming!

I took this picture while fishing with my wife, Jill, on Estacada Lake in Oregon. I felt led to share this with someone who may need it today!

Your breakthrough is coming! . . . In Christ, your hope is not lost in the forest, for the Lord will surely reveal Himself in the middle of your current situation because He remains faithful. 

As long as God remains bigger than ourselves, there is always hope beyond our own wisdom, strength and abilities. Sometimes that truth is hard to find, hidden in the circumstances of our lives, but it doesn’t mean that our hope is not present and moving to reveal Himself in our lives. 

As the God of hope, even “His hidden presence” gives us reason to live with hope; to live with an optimistic mindset and a heart filled with hope and joy based on His Word concerning the future. 

Without the God of hope, without Him as the source of our hope, we’ll always quit too soon. Why? Because our human wisdom, strength and power alone can only take us so far. Our energy levels and resources will eventually run out. Our very lives housed in these physical bodies of ours have a temporary nature that will eventually cease to function. 

And when we start running on empty, when there seems to be no way or no reason to keep on going, this is when the conditions are ripe to quit the journey we’ve been on. This is when life is not fun anymore, when there is no peace, no joy, and no hope for the future.

The is WHY I’m so thankful that the Lord our God, is not like us! Grateful that He is God, and we are not. Blessed with the truth that He has an eternal nature, not a temporary nature like our physical bodies. 

With Him there is always hope for He is the God of hope! What He brings to the table in our lives is an eternal gift that will outlast any temporary thing we could ever face here on planet earth. His eternal nature is the very solution for our temporary nature. He is only the One who can truly fill us with an eternal joy and peace as we put our trust in Him. 

With whatever challenge you may be facing today, put your trust in Him and believe your breakthrough is coming! When our source of joy and peace comes from Him, we can expect God to fill our lives with overflowing hope by the power of the Holy Spirit!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 NIV