YV_Thanksgiving / 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Why is the Expressing of Thanksgiving Good for the Soul?

Like most people, in this past year you’ve probably had a number of both good days and bad days. There were probably days filled with people, events and things you’re thankful for, and other days, not so much.

Over time, all these memorable and not so memorable moments can weigh you down like a backpack overstuffed with camping gear, supplies, equipment and other paraphernalia you’re probably never ever going to need or use. 

God knows we can struggle at times with letting things go. This is WHY He calls us to the practice of giving thanks!

Thanksgiving provides us with the amazing opportunity to empty out everything in our backpack, and then make a decision about what we want to bring with us into this next year. It’s suppose to be one of the most liberating times of the year!

When we intentionally look back to extract those significant events, meetings with people, moments that meant the most to us and express thanks for them, we not only lighten our load, but also start living with a greater sense of gratitude in our lives. It’s the kind of gratitude that flows from a pure heart and is good for the soul. 

When our giving of thanks is truly flowing from a grateful heart, this is when we gain a precious opportunity. It’s the opportunity to choose what you really want to let go and leave behind in the past, as well as what you really want to bring and build upon in the year ahead.

Let me encourage you today!

† Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ‬‬

1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:16-18‬ ‭NKJV

Three things to remember from this verse:

(1) God is good and He loves you like no one else: So, rejoice always!

(2) God loves to hear your voice and wants you to know that He hears your prayers: So, pray without ceasing!

(3) The Lord remains sovereign over all things in heaven and on earth, including whatever battle you may find yourself in today: So, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

When you’re enjoying a greater sense of gratitude in your life, you’ll tend to focus more on the things you value most; things that mean something to you; things you can hopefully be thankful for around this same time next year!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, I pray you would have an incredible Thanksgiving. May God bless you, your family, your friends and those you gather with on this special holiday. May this divinely appointed time of the year be filled with His grace, peace, life, love and laughter. May it overflow with gratitude for His goodness, remembering that the One who has shown Himself faithful to you in the past, will show Himself faithful in the future! In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.