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Why God Sometimes Allows Our Vision To Be Hindered

Sometimes we experience seasons in which it is harder to see than in others.

An arctic front started coming in yesterday. Temperatures dropped to below freezing. And we woke up this morning to snow, ice and howling winds. It’s cold and winter has definitely made her presence known here in the northwest. 

When you experience a day like this, you realize you’re not in between seasons. You’re not going through a transition. You’re not worried about raking up the leaves that have fallen off the trees, or mowing the lawn, or going out for a swim. Its not seed-time, nor harvest-time. It’s the kind of day where most people are trying to hunker down, stay warm, and survive.

During the winter, visibility can be reduced to almost zero. And when you can’t see, life’s challenges can become that much more difficult to navigate through.

Seasons in which it is harder to see call us to a deeper level of faith and trust in the One who is sovereign over all seasons of life.

Winter, especially when you’re in the middle of an arctic type storm, is a special reminder of the life we must live by faith in the God who remains sovereign over all things.

God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. As such, all seasons are subject to His authority and dominion. Not just winter, but spring, summer and fall as well. 

These seasons have a rhythm in the annual calendar that call us to live differently in order to get the most out of each particular season. From the clothes we wear, to the work we must do in each season, there is a direct connection and impact upon our quality of life.

Think about this: When we don’t live within the rhythm of the seasons God has ordained for us to experience here on earth, life can get tough real quick. For example, if my only source of heat during the winter is a wood burning stove, the time to cut and gather wood is not during winter, but during the seasons that precede the winter. Trying to find and chop wood in the middle of a winter snow storm to stay warm is not fun! Believe me, I know it.

Living here on earth, we can’t avoid the seasons God has established for us to navigate through, but know this:

God is sovereign over all seasons. In fact in every season of life, He would tell you, “My grace is sufficient.“

2 Corinthians 12:9

God will never take you or me through a season in life, even one in which it is a little harder to see, where He will not supply us with the grace we need to see us through. No matter what season we find ourselves in today, God remains sovereign and His grace remains sufficient.

For it is through Christ that God grants us life-giving grace to not only be able to outlast whatever temporary season we may find ourselves in, but to also reveal His glory. It is a glory that outshines any kind of life without Him; a glory that reveals His grace upon our lives; a glory that leads us forward even when are not able to see clearly.

It is a grace-filled life that comes alive by faith, not by sight, and for His glory!

The question for us in the season we find ourselves today is this:

“How are you doing at living within the structure and rhythm of God’s sovereignty over your life, and the sufficiency of His grace?”

Every season has its challenges and purposes. Challenges that call us to trust God and not walk alone. And divine purposes that call us to walk in step with Him so that He can reveal His glory through us.

Here me when I say to you . . . “God remains sovereign over the season you find yourself in today, and His grace remains sufficient.”

Here’s a SIMPLE TIP:

Let the season you’re in right now, deepen your trust in the One who is sovereign over your life, and wants you to know how sufficient His grace really is.

When you do you’ll be learning a little bit more about what it means to live by faith, and not by sight. You’ll come alive as you learn to live within the structure and rhythm of God’s sovereignty and the sufficiency of His grace!

“For we live by faith, not by sight.” ‬‬

2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV

Article Postscript:

If you feel led, encourage someone else by sharing this article, or perhaps another article that was an encouragement to you. This one action could be a real game-changer in their life. With God, all things are possible!!