YV John 9:5

What Would It Be Like to Receive the Gift of MIRACULOUS CLARITY?

What would it be like for you to receive more than a vision for your life, but the gift of MIRACULOUS CLARITY?

This is DAY 1 of a 5-DAY devotional series on “Experiencing the Gift of Miraculous Clarity.” Subscribers to my blog have Premium Content access to each day of the devotional below.

Just click on the DAY you want to start next:

DAY 2 | What Does a Great Day Even LOOK Like?

DAY 3 | Do You Have a COMPELLING VISION for Your Life?

DAY 4 | How Can You RAISE the Quality of the Vision for Your Life?

DAY 5 | How Can We Become More CONFIDENT about Things We Do Not See?

The man was blind since birth.

Jesus’ disciples assumed someone must have sinned, for this man to be born blind, either him or his parents. However, Jesus corrected their wrong assumptions by revealing to them that neither the blind man nor his parents sinned. But rather, there was a greater purpose at stake here.

There was something of significance God was going to use this man’s blindness for. Moreover, Jesus made it clear that it would be so that the power of God could be displayed in him.  

The man could not see, nor had he ever seen a thing in his life. He had never seen a sunrise, nor a sunset. The concept of having a vision for his life would have been foreign to him. He was born blind. The habits he would have practiced on a daily basis, would have been shaped by the reality that he had never seen the light of day. 

But then the blind man had an encounter with the light of the world. 

Jesus said to His disciples . . .

† “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” When He had said this, He spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva and spread the mud on the man’s eyes, saying to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which means Sent). Then he went and washed and came back able to see.

John 9:5-7 NRSV

Without light, there is no vision.

Without light, we cannot see a thing. Light is what makes it possible for us to see things that would otherwise be hidden in darkness. When we are able to see something, it’s usually not because it’s light producing, but because it is light reflecting. 

In the same way, . . .

There are some things we cannot see, but rather can only be seen, through the light of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

When Jesus made mud with His saliva and spread the mud on the man’s eyes, He did something very unconventional. He made the situation worse.

Think about it this way: Even people with 20/20 vision, would not be able to see with mud in their eyes. 

But God was up to something. And He was planning to display His power in this blind man’s life whose situation now seemed worse than before. 

Jesus the Light of the World

While the mud serves as a reminder of our human nature, which cannot produce light, but merely reflect it, Jesus invites us to know Him as the light of the world.

It’s His light that enables us to see and live with a vision for the future. It’s in Him, we gain the possibility of receiving the gift of miraculous clarity.

When Jesus, the light of the world, told the blind man with mud in his eyes, to go and wash in the pool of Siloam, . . .

He was, in essence, inviting the blind man to see the work Jesus had already accomplished in his life, but which he had yet to experience.

The man’s sight, his ability to be able to see and envision a future he never thought possible, would all become miraculously clear once he washed the mud off in the pool of Siloam.

This is what is made possible, every time we draw near to Jesus, the light of the world. As the One who also promises that springs of living water will flow from the hearts of those who believe in Him (John 7:37-39), He is more than capable of showing us how to wash the mud out of our eyes, so that we can experience the gift of miraculous clarity.

Let me encourage you today:

Draw near, right now, to Jesus the light of the world; the One from whom springs of living water flows.

Ask Him to let His light shine upon the things He needs you to see today. Ask Him fill your life afresh with His Holy Spirit, like springs of living water flowing from your heart.

When we believe in Jesus as the light of the world, we don’t have to walk in darkness for He is the light that leads to life. Furthermore, when this truth defines our reality, we can expect Him to light the way forward and lead our lives a little closer each day towards a life of miraculous clarity.

YV Image

Let me PRAY for you!

Lord Jesus, in whom we recognize as the light of the world and the One from whom springs of living water flow. We are humbled before You recognizing that our inability to see things, has surely caused us to miss things we perhaps should have seen coming. We ask You, Lord, to please let your light shine brightly upon those things You need us to see this day, this week, this season in our lives.

Grant unto us more than a vision, as we dare to believe You for that miraculous clarity for our lives that comes directly from your hand. And as we draw even closer to You, pour out your Holy Spirit upon us like springs of living water flowing from our hearts. Wash the mud from our eyes and lead us a little closer each day towards a life of miraculous clarity. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray. Amen! 


3 responses to “What Would It Be Like to Receive the Gift of MIRACULOUS CLARITY?”

  1. Thank you Pastor Yancey!

  2. Yancey Valdez Avatar
    Yancey Valdez

    Hi Corie! . . . You’re welcome. God is so good! I hope you and your family are doing well. Praying and believing God for His blessing and favor to rest upon all of you today and for the week ahead!

  3. […] DAY 1 | What Would It Be Like to Receive the Gift of MIRACULOUS CLARITY? […]