The prophet Samuel had a very good feeling about this. He was the one appointed by God to anoint the next King of Israel.
† When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed stands here before the Lord.”
1 Samuel 16:6 NIV
And why not? Samuel was a smart and discerning man. He could see with his own eyes that Eliab, Jesse’s oldest son, was a handsome and tall man of stature. He looked like a king.
The problem? Samuel was wrong!
† The Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7 NIV
The Ones God Chooses and Anoints for Leadership
This passage of Scripture reminds us that the ones God chooses and anoints to serve in leadership, are not always the same people our world system would choose and elevate to positions of leadership.
While outward appearances may catch the world’s attention and be a determining factor in a lot of people’s decision-making, in God’s eyes all of that doesn’t matter much without a SERVANT’S HEART.
Heart Alignment
Regardless of one’s skills, gifts, talents, education or experience, without a SERVANT’S HEART, we will tend to use what’s at our disposal for our own self-serving purposes. The problem, however, is that self-serving purposes are rarely in alignment with Christ-centered purposes. In fact, they tend to lead us in a direction completely opposite of God’s perfect will for our lives. And that’s never good!
While being intelligent, being a hard worker, and having the right set of skills for a particular position are all part of the package, in the final analysis, God will always look at a person’s heart.
The question for each of us is this:
Let’s PRAY!
Almighty God, the One who lives and sees deeply into our hearts; You have given all of us a unique set of skills, talents and gifts. Show my family, friends and connections the area of service You have designed each of them to best fit. Guide and direct them to the place where You need them to be and serve today. Grant unto us all the grace and desire to develop our skills for You and for your glory. And most of all, regardless of our place in the world’s hierarchy, cultivate in us the attitude and heart of a servant that pleases You. In Jesus’ precious name, we pray. Amen!