Tag: Christmas
What WORD has God Given You for the Year Ahead?
There was a lot Mary had to take in and process when the Angel Gabriel showed up with a Word from God. This encounter with a heavenly messenger was far from a normal experience for her. In the Bible, we don’t find Mary ever praying for or pursuing an angelic experience. On the contrary, the…
What Would It Be Like to be Overwhelmed with Joy in the LORD?
What is the level of joy in your life today? We still see bright lights in the sky, over our cities and even better in the outskirts of town. We saw them even in the skies of Cuba, overlooking the historic Hotel Nacional de Cuba, an iconic landmark that has welcomed many of the rich…
How Are You Preparing for the Arrival of Your King?
Ultimately, this is the moment that will reveal whether or not you have been living your life on purpose. It’s the day your life’s work will speak for itself whether it has prepared you for this moment, or not. It’s the finish line for the end of a race you either ran well, or not;…
When Does The Blessing Come?
It doesn’t matter where you may be at today as a result of your past. Once you receive the Word of His grace, once you start believing that God will do what He says He will do, you will be blessed. God’s presence, His peace, His power, and His purposes become ours. May His Word…