Ein Avdat med2

In the Wilderness, Not an Oasis

On this particular day, the presence and power and glory of God was found and could be seen in the wilderness, not in an oasis!

When we find ourselves going through a dry season in life when water seems scarce and we are spiritually dehydrated, we often wonder where God could possibly be in all this. 

Sometimes God wants us to find Him—His person, His presence, His power and awesome glory—in the wilderness rather than in an oasis. Why? Maybe it’s because God knows we would seek and walk in a deeper relationship with Him more in a desert type wilderness where things are scarce than we would in an oasis where things are more plentiful.

God’s creation has taught us that water means life. Which really points us to a greater truth that God is the source and giver of all life—this life and the life to come. 

If you’re going through a dry season in life right now look out toward the barren circumstances you may be facing today and believe the God of this life and the one to come is already there waiting for you. Believe He is ready to walk with you and reveal Himself to you in His awesome glory! 

When you give God the chance to reveal Himself in the middle of the dry season you might be going through right now, you’ve taken the first step to quenching your spiritual thirst, for a miracle to be set in motion and for a transformation to begin taking place in your life!

“And as Aaron spoke to the whole community of Israel, they looked out toward the wilderness. There they could see the awesome glory of the Lord in the cloud.”

Exodus 16:10 NLT