YV Colossians 3:23-24

How Does Knowing WHO You Work for Impact the QUALITY of One’s Work?

The “BEST BOSS in the World” doesn’t really describe WHO the Lord really is, or what He really means to those who follow Him. He is so much more than what the world might term as a “boss.” 

WHO is He?

The Lord Jesus Christ is our Rescuer, our Savior, and our Redeemer. He’s our Rock and our Fortress. He conquered sin, death and the grave. He’s our King! Exalted higher than any other earthly king, He stands now exalted in the place of highest honor in heaven, at God’s right hand!

He is the One in whom we find life, health and strength; through whose gifts we are clothed and fed; and through His mercy we are forgiven and cleansed. It’s in Him we live, and move, and find our being (Acts 17:28). 

There is no one higher. No greater leader you could ever follow, serve under, and work for than the Lord Jesus Christ!

The Problem with Work?

Work can sometimes feel like a chore, going through the motions, dull and monotonous, without any sense of real purpose. This kind of work doesn’t always bring out the best in people. Rather, it fosters an atmosphere for clock-watching and giving a minimal effort, just enough to get the work done.

What’s It Like to Work for Him?

Everything changes when it is done for the Lord Jesus Christ!

Working for Him brings true meaning and purpose into all that we do. Serving Him in our vocation, whatever that may be, turns everything we do into a GIFT OF WORSHIP to the One who supplies our every need and from whom every blessing we have in this world comes from. 

There is no greater leader, calling, vocation or reward in this world we could ever respond to, follow, pursue and throw our entire lives into, than the Lord Jesus Christ!

Here’s a verse worth memorizing:

† And whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. ‭‭

Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭23‬-‭24
YV Image

Let’s PRAY!

Lord God, I pray would grant unto us the wisdom and grace to apply this verse to our lives. Renew our spirits, so that our work may not be a burden to us, but a delight! Send us forth into this day, this week, with the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit. And may we always know that we serve an awesome God who desires to bring out the best in us for life and ministry. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!

Have you met Him? —> Let me introduce you to the Lord today!