Crater Lakemed

God Still Has The Power to Make Things Beautiful in His Time

Have you ever been here? This was absolutely breathtaking. Jill and I just stood there in wonder over God’s creation.

This is Crater Lake, the deepest lake in North America. Jill and I had the privilege of visiting this awe-inspiring wonder a few weeks ago. It’s waters are pure, crystal clear with a deep blue hue that is absolutely stunning. There is no inlet or outlet water passages. Crater Lake is completely filled by snow and rain water that eventually evaporates back into the atmosphere. 

You wouldn’t think that about some seven thousand years ago this was the place where one of Earth’s most massive eruptions took place. The power it generated was so enormous that it caused the entire summit area to completely collapse into a large volcanic depression.

Such devastation is a picture of how sometimes we might feel after an explosive event has taken place in our lives. It marks us, scars us and impacts the landscape of our lives so much, there’s just no way to ever go back to the way we use to be. Such a horrific event can leave us much like the way Crater Lake was left after it blew it’s top off—a volcanic depression. 

The good news is that God still has the power to make things beautiful in His time. While Crater Lake may still be a volcanic depression, over time it has become one of the most beautiful and tranquil places of purity and wonder on the entire planet. There’s nothing like it. It’s unique because of what it had to go through to get to where it’s at today. 

It’s kind of like you and me. We’re both different. Think about this, there’s no one like you. Everything you have ever experienced in life—the good, the bad, and the ugly—are unique to you. And whatever scars life has left behind know that God still has the power to make things beautiful in your life.

Walk with Him today. Trust Him. Let Him fill you with His love and goodness. And you can be assured that He will make everything beautiful in His time!

“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” —Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭NLT‬‬