YV Psalm 141:1-2

Do You Ever Wonder If God HEARS Your Prayers?

Sometimes we PRAY in order to check our “prayer time” off, our TO DO list. 

The paradox, however, is that we don’t want God to hear our prayers in order to just check us off His TO DO list. 

King David wanted His prayers to be set before the Lord like incense; a rising and aromatic presence that would linger before the Lord and rouse His senses long after David would depart to get on with his day. 

† Let my prayer be set before You as incense; The lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. 

Psalm 141:1-2 NKJV

The image of our prayers as a fragrant incense before the Lord serves as a continual reminder that God not only hears our prayers, but also for us, to live with the hope, joy and wonder of how God might make Himself known throughout the course of our day. 

Think about this for a moment:

Some time between breakfast, lunch or dinner, it could happen that God may just decide to show up in response to the prayer you set before Him today. It brings an added sense of excitement and anticipation of how we might praise Him before we go to bed, even tonight.

Let me encourage you today:

Don’t check your “Prayer Time with God,” off your TO DO list. 

I’m not saying to burn a candle as a substitute for a sincere and devoted time to be with God in prayer. But rather, see your “prayer time” as incense rising before Him; something fragrant you want to linger before the Lord as a reminder of your dependence upon Him as you go about your day. 

Who knows? Maybe God will show up today in a way you never thought possible!

As you “lift up your hands” in praise and thanksgiving to God this day, may you be reminded of the sacrifice Jesus already accomplished for us on the cross. And that today, He stands on our behalf, interceding continually for both you and me, at the right hand of God!

YV Image

Let’s PRAY!

Almighty God, the psalmist proclaimed, “I love the LORD because He heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live” (Psalm 116:1-2).

Lord, hear our prayers today! Let them be set before You as incense; rising up before You as a fragrant aroma; The lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. May our worship and prayers remind You of our love and need for You in every area of our lives.

For those praying this prayer with me, we ask that You would move in mighty way to touch every hurt and every pain; meet every need, overcome every struggle and empower every dream You have birthed in our hearts. Do this all, and more, for the glory of Your name and purpose in our lives! In Jesus’ precious name, we pray. Amen!